Skills Competition - Auto Service
Wed, Mar 01
Auto Service Competition w/ Dave Brinkman

Time & Location
Mar 01, 2023, 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
NDSS, 245 Belleville Rd, Napanee, ON K7R 3M7, Canada
Secondary 2022
Committee members: Jeff Petznick
Limestone Skills Competition Chair: Dave Brinkman
Judges: TBA
Location: Napanee District Secondary School
Purpose of the Contest:
To provide competitors with the opportunity to demonstrate, both through practical and theoretical
application, their skills and knowledge in the industry relevant to:
● The Automotive Service Technician field
● Real life automotive repair situations
● Friendly competition
Skills and Knowledge to be tested: Brakes, steering and suspension, electrical, body functions,
engine systems, information retrieval, fabrication
(Competition must be minimum- 5 hours of activity)
● No-start diagnosis
● Brake system fabrication
● Electric circuit fabrication, resistance measurement
● Data retrieval using scan tool
● Engine identification and measurement
● 100 question test on general knowledge
● P.P.E. required – closed toe footwear
● Safe work procedures
● Basic hazard awareness
● Safety glasses – supplied by competition chair
No Interview required at this competition!
Clothing Requirements:
The competitor must supply and wear the appropriate clothing and protective gear:
• Safety eye wear (must include side shields) and hearing protection
• Long pants and T-shirt (NO muscle shirts or long, oversized shirts)
• No loose baggy clothing
• No inappropriate slogans or messages
• No jewelry
• No Hats or Caps
• No Cell phone or texting
• No school identification to be worn
• Work boots, steel toe mandatory
** Please note: Failure to wear personal protective equipment in an appropriate manner will result in
loss of marks. More than one warning may result in competitor being disqualified from contest.
Equipment and Materials:
Supplied by Committee:
● All tools
● All vehicles
● Safety glasses
Provided by the Competitor:
● Proper footwear
Safety is a priority at the Qualifying Competitions. At the discretion of the Judges and Committee
Members, any competitor can be removed from the competition site for not having the proper safety
equipment or for not acting in a safe manner.
Competitors must bring the following safety equipment to be worn during the contest:
1. CSA approved eyewear (including side shields for prescription eyewear).*
2. CSA approved safety footwear*
*Competition judges will have final authority on matters of safety.
Notes to teacher / adviser: Please ensure any tools or equipment that is used for the purpose of the
event is checked before the student arrives.
Clean-up of the entire work area is mandatory for all competitors and will take place after the judged
portion of the competition.
No student will be excused until clean-up activities are complete.
Judging Criteria Evaluation Scoring
Safety 10 on practical
Project stations Points on sheet
test 100
total Sum of all stations
* A minimum score of 60% will be required to receive any ribbon or medal or to be eligible to advance
to the Skills Ontario Regional Competition. (this may need changes based on regional comp or not)
As the rules state, there are no ties. If the score is even after the contest, (insert how a tie will be
Instructions for student participation in the Regional Event will be given at this time.
Should you have any questions about this scope please contact the competition chair:
Dave Brinkman